Monday, November 21, 2011
The wise owls collected and sorted rocks today.  This is an important fundamental math skill.  The discussion of attributes for sorting included size, color, and texture.  

In dramatic play we sang and acted out the Great Big Turkey poem.  Ask your child to show you how it's done.  The poem is in their home folder.

Tomorrow we are going to do some cooking.  We will make cranberry relish.  I look forward to trying all the yummy dishes at our Community School Thanksgiving pot luck on Wednesday at Moody Hall at Hollins University.  

The student art show begins at 11:00 am.  The potluck begins at 12:00.  Dismissal is at 1:00 from Moody Hall.  Weather permitting, the wise owls and other classes will be walking to Hollins to meet you for the potluck.  However we may have to alter our means of transport depending on the weather.

Please look at Quick Notes for details for Wednesday.  

Thursday, November 10, 2011

     The wise owls are enjoying exploring and learning about the season.  this week we started talkin' turkey.  They are really enjoying acting out our turkey poem.  
     Please be sure to look at Quick Notes for upcoming school information.  The Weds. before Thanksgiving we will be feasting at Hollins University.  Early dismissal pick up will be at 1 pm. at Hollins on Weds., Nov. 23rd.  We are also looking forward to the Book Fair the week of November 28th.  The Wise Owls will be performing a poetry selection on Friday, Nov. 3rd at 8:45 am.