Monday, June 4, 2012

Last Week of School.....What's happening??!!!
Monday:   Practice for celebrations at Hollins
Wednesday:  NO SCHOOL end of Year Conferences
Thursday:  Whole school water day 9:30 - 12:00
12:00 Dismissal
5:00 Picnic at Hollins
6:00 CELEBRATIONS at Hollins
Please let me know if you are not going to attend celebrations.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Water Days!!!!

Preschool Water Day
Friday, June 1st
10:30 - 11:45
Please apply sunscreen before arrival.
Bring a bathing suit and towel to school.  We will change here.
We are also making tie-dye shirts and enjoying fresh smoothies!

Whole School Water Day
Thursday, June 7th 
9:30 - Noon 
Please apply sunscreen at home.
Wear Bathing suit to school
and bring a towel.

@ 12:00


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Go Dog Go!    
 We enjoyed a wonderful show at the Taubman Roanoke Children's Theater.  

We thought it was funny and silly.  Especially the yellow dog who didn't get a tree and the roller skate and chair that moved on the stage by themselves.  In the end we decided we liked it all the best and we can't think of one part we liked best.

Monday, April 30, 2012

End of year Fiesta!

We are ordering food from El Rodeo on Friday, May 11.  Please send $5 to cover the food costs by Tuesday, May 8.

Monday, April 23, 2012

This week we are taking a field trip to the United Methodist Home to do a music program with Kim Mucha. 
We have also been preparing for the Arts Festival in May.  This is a very busy, exciting time of year.  There has been much buzz about upcoming changes next year.

We have just started a Spring unit of study on plants and insects through the works of author, Eric Carle.  We have been collecting and studying bugs on the playground.  We have just freceived a shipment of Painted Lady butterfly larva which we will observe as it goes through metamorphasis.  

I am looking forward to my first Strawberry Festival!  I have enjoyed it as a patron every year.  This year I am excited to be a part of such a wonderful Roanoke tradition.  I hope to see you all there!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Update on Reading Across America.

The Wise Owls are well on the way from Springfield, MA to California. 
We have made it all the way to Kalamazoo, MI, a total of 750 miles!  That is with the help of all the other Boxwoods classes.  
Our class goal is 250 books this month and we have already read 180 books!!!